Forest Therapy at Geelong Botanic Gardens
Wattle Flowers

Join Susan Joachim, President of the International Nature and Forest Therapy Alliance (INFTA), and Founder of Shinrin-Yoku, Forest Therapy Australasia, on an exclusive Forest Therapy experience in the beautiful Geelong Botanic Gardens. Bookings are now open via Eventbrite. What is Forest Therapy? The practice translates literally from Japanese “Shinrin-yoku” as “Forest Bathing” – immersing ourselves […]

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20 Inspiring Nature Quotes
Inspiring Nature Quotes

The seasons are changing, inviting us to explore the outdoors. We hope these nature quotes will inspire you to spend more time in nature! Almost everything will work again if you unplug it for a few minutes, including you. Anne Lamott I’m an introvert… I love being by myself, love being outdoors, love taking a […]

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Finding joy and calm
nature journaling

The earth seems to be shifting under our feet. Nothing seems certain, and it’s easy to let our anxieties and fears grow. That is, if we focus on human affairs only. Because out there, in nature, the world is going on. Lives are born and lives end. Trees that are already hundreds of years old, […]

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Slower, Simpler, Nature
strolling along the Koororoit

I haven’t always managed my stress and more than not ignored the signs that my mind and body were trying to warn me about until I was completely depleted and burnt out. My job at the time was all consuming, I gave 110% to my special needs students and work colleagues. After work and on […]

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A Japanese experience of “Shinrin-yoku” Forest Therapy in Australia
Mayu Kataoka Forest Therapy trail

Mayumi Kataoka explains the essence of the practice “I feel it is the subtle combination of the raw colours under the Australian sky that adds a special ethereal quality like no other place. The colours are rich and beautiful and they seem to capture the Australian essence of life. The colours are just magical, a […]

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Fragrance from the Forest
flower fragrance

Fragrance from the Forest Have you ever spent time outside in nature and discovered that the scent of nature brought back a memory? Plant fragrances play a significant, yet often subtle, role in our appreciation of the outdoors. While roots and bark emit some aromas, most fragrance is found in plant flowers and leaves (e.g. […]

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Unexpected encounter with nature!
sea at Merricks

I was walking along the beach on a beautiful summer day, just breathing in the salty air, frolicking barefoot in the seaweed that had heaped up along the shoreline in the last storm. The sea was quiet and calm, just a gentle hint of movement as a light breeze drifted across the steel blue water. […]

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Make your sit spot practice private and intimate
touch giant leaf

I recently introduced the ‘sit spot’ practice to Shinrin-yoku forest bathers on a guided walk. Curious as to what this means, I explained the ancient practice of finding a place of intimate connection with nature – a place where you learn to sit still – alone, often and quietly — as well as playfully explore […]

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