International research and years of experience have demonstrated and verified the many benefits Forest Therapy and Shinrin-yoku bring about. The benefits of guided well-being walks, Forest Therapy and Forest Therapy Retreats can be split into two groups: direct and indirect effects.

Main direct effects
The main medical, physiological and mental benefits are:

  • reduced blood pressure
  • reduced stress hormone (cortisol) level
  • reduced anxiety
  • surge in the activity of cancer-fighting white blood cells
  • exposure to antimicrobial substances emitted by trees and plants (phytoncides)
  • increased happiness and positive mood
  • enhanced energy level
  • better concentration

Main indirect effects
With regular Forest Therapy, hiking or mindful walking you can benefit from the following indirect or long-term effects:

  • increased overall fitness levels
  • improved immune system
  • weight loss
  • reduced risk of obesity
  • reduced risk of heart and lung diseases
  • decrease in anxiety
  • reduced risk of getting depressed
  • less likelihood of feeling stressed in typical day-to-day situations
  • better and more regular sleep
  • more positive mood and motivation (meaning: less mood-swings)
  • enhanced ability to focus
  • higher self-confidence and a more stable personality

It is, of course, understood that the degree of measured effects varies from person to person due to a number of other factors coming into play (for example, overall constitution and health, age, gender, hormonal and genetic dispositions, previous illnesses, lifestyle etc.). For further reading, we have compiled helpful links and references about the benefits of forest bathing and Shinrin-yoku.